Adopt a Street™ Volunteers Network Privacy Policy
CleanCitySA is committed to ensuring that we respect and protect your online privacy. This includes your right to know what we do with the personal information you share with us.
The background information you provide is used by CleanCitySA to manage all Adopt a Street™ Volunteers Network cleanup events. CleanCitySA processes all associated data for the purposes of providing volunteers with reports on every event they participated in and for incentives associated with reaching specific levels by each volunteer. The information is not transmitted to any external parties by CleanCitySA. Upon registration to the Adopt a Street™ Volunteers Network, your information is needed for us to provide you with a link to a specific Adopt a Street™ Volunteers Network management team associated with a specific street, that is authorized by CleanCitySA to participate in a cleanup event. This is to ensure those cleanup events are delivered to an appropriate standard, and to allow us to provide you with accurate records of your participation.
It also allows us, on a lawful basis, to provide you with administrative or service-related emails, and to confirm that you have registered with the Adopt a Street™ Volunteers Network or taken part in one of our cleanup events. If you do not provide the information required, we will not be able to provide you with records of your participation in the Adopt a Street™ Volunteers Network cleanup events.
At our events, photography or filming will take place. This helps us to encourage and inspire others to participate in future Adopt a Street™ Volunteers Network cleanup events. Should you wish an image published on our authorised social media platforms to be deleted, you are most welcome to contact us to execute your request.
Should you have any questions for further clarification on the privacy policy, send an email to